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全国统一学习专线 8:30-21:00



时间: 2012年 8 月 25日 星期六

1. Name/major/ work/ future plan
2. Hometown/ city change recently
3. Working or studying; why study English?
4. Diet change/ food/cook
5. Flat/ house/ room
6. flower
7. Color
8. Wedding: difference between ancient and now
9. Family/Relatives/你评判朋友的quality
11. weather/ evening
12. TV program/ computer (注意某些时候考比较)
13. clothes/ fashion/ on-shopping, leisure time
14. sports/ walking
15.public transport/ cars (which car do you want to buy in the future)
Driving (can you drive)
16. painting / swimming/ drawing
17. on-time/ do you often late?
18. holiday/ how do you relax yourself?
19. birthday/ gift
20.wedding/ photography
21. childhood/ past memory/ childhood song

1. famous person in your country/ city
2. a family member in the past who lived an interesting life 过世的有趣家庭成员
3. a happy marriage 幸福婚姻
4. a musician or group that is popular in your country 贵国的知名音乐家或乐队
5. a child you ever interacted with 一个你认识的孩子
6. a character in a TV program/film 电影、电视中的角色
7. an interesting old person 一个有趣的老人
8. a happiest person you know 你知道的最快乐的人
9. a friend you haven’t been in contact for a long time 一个很久不见的朋友
10. a person who helped you 一个帮助过你的人

1. natural beauty
2. the most important city
3. a lake or a river or a sea which you’ve visited 你去过的湖泊、河流或大海
4. a club/team you joined 你参加过的团队/俱乐部
5. a traditional building/ monument / mountain of national importance
6. a street in your hometown 你家乡的街道

1. wild animal
2. building
3. electronic product 电子设备
4. toys in childhood
5. gift you gave to others
6. a book (you would recommend to people)
7. a work of art (painting or sculpture) 一个艺术品 (画或雕塑)
8. a vehicle you want to buy
11. a science subject in high school
12. a thing you want to buy if you have lots of money
13. an (educational/ interesting) TV program you often watch
14. old family photo/an interesting photo
15. advertisement 广告
16. an item of clothing or jewelry you wear in a special occasion


1. weather/ season you like
2. wild animal (you interacted with)
3. the most popular sports in your country/ sport event
4. 做的一件好事/ a thing you helped others or others helped you
5. 你有钱想干什么
6. 一天里最喜欢的时间/怎么安排空闲的一天
7. ideal job
8. birthday party
9. an occasion need to be polite
10. a piece of family news which makes you feel happy 让你快乐的家庭新闻
11. . a group activity you join 参加的团队活动
12. . an unforgettable/happy thing in your childhood 童年趣事/难忘的事情
13. . a difficult thing you did well 一件搞定的难事
14. . first day of school/course/work 学校/课程/工作的第一天
15. . one thing make you laugh 让你大笑的一件事
16. . a trip you had in your childhood 童年的旅行
17. . favorite way of communication 最喜欢的交流方式
18. . a popular physical exercise 一种流行的身体锻炼方式
19. . an important historical event 一个重要历史事件
20. . an exciting experience 一件令人激动的事情
21. . a wedding you took part in 你参加的婚礼
22. Sport event


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